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Past Conference Report

Successful Completion of 3rd World Drug Delivery and Formulations Summit 2019

PULSUS GROUP heartfelt thank all our wonderful Keynote and Plenary Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students, Media Partners and Associations for making Drug delivery 2019 grand success.

3rd World Drug Delivery and Formulations submit 2019 was held during June 24-25, 2019 at Rome, Italy under the theme “Endorse the endeavour for modern therapeutic era in Drug Delivery System”

We are delighted to announced you that, we had 80+ Speakers and 150+ attendees in our esteemed conference

Organizing committee member
We would like to convey a warm gratitude to all the Honourable Organizing committee member and Keynote Speakers.

Drug delivery-2019 witnessed an amalgamation of esteemed speakers who have enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and new-fangled topics relevant to the field of pharmaceutics and drug delivery.

The esteemed conference was marked with the attendance of academic and Business delegate, young researchers and talented student communities representing their countries around the world. We also take the great privilege to felicitate the Keynote Speakers, Organizing Committee Members, Chairs and Co-chairs who supported this esteemed congress.

Engage your dates for Drug Delivery 2020!!!
